BuildMaster SDK Reference
ProviderBase Class
Base class for all providers.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- object
- Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Providers.ProviderBase
ProviderBase : System.IDisposable
| Name |
Description |
Raised when a log message has been received.
| Name |
Description |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Dispose(bool disposing)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
ExecuteCommandLine(string fileName, string arguments, string workingDirectory)
Executes a command line process on the provider's agent.
ExecuteCommandLine(Inedo.Agents.RemoteProcessStartInfo startInfo)
Executes a command line process on the provider's agent.
When implemented in a derived class, indicates whether the provider
is installed and available for use in the current execution context.
LogDebug(string message)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with a Debug log level.
LogDebug(string messageFmt, object[] args)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with a Debug log level.
LogError(string message)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with an Error log level.
LogError(string messageFmt, object[] args)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with an Error log level.
LogInformation(string message)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with an Information log level.
LogInformation(string messageFmt, object[] args)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with an Information log level.
LogWarning(string message)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with a Warning log level.
LogWarning(string messageFmt, object[] args)
Logs the specified message to the Provider's log with a Warning log level.
SetAgent(Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.BuildMasterAgent agent, bool disposeAgent)
Inititializes the Agent property.
Throws a Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ActionTimeoutException if the action has been executing for at least
Timeout seconds.
Returns a System.String that represents this instance.
When implemented in a derived class, attempts to connect with the
current configuration and throws an exception if unsuccessful.