BuildMaster SDK Reference

DirectoryEx Class

A set of static utility methods used for directories without the MAX_PATH limitation.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • object
    • Inedo.IO.DirectoryEx


public class DirectoryEx


Name Description
Clear(string path)

Deletes all files and directories contained within the specified path, but does not delete the containing directory itself.

Create(string path)

Creates the specified directory if it does not already exist.

CreateSymbolicLink(string linkDirectoryName, string targetDirectoryName)

Creates a symbolic link to a directory.

Delete(string path)

Deletes the specified directory and all of its contents.

EnumerateDirectories(string path)

Returns a sequence containing all of the directories within the specified directory (top-level only; does not recurse).

EnumerateFiles(string path)

Returns a sequence containing all of the files within the specified directory (top-level only; does not recurse).


Retrieves the drive names of all logical drives on a computer.

Exists(string path)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified directory exists.

GetFileSystemInfos(string path, MaskingContext mask)

Returns a sequence containing all of the items within the specified directory that match the specified mask.

GetInfo(string path)

Returns a SlimDirectoryInfo instance representing the directory with the specified path.

Move(string sourcePath, string targetPath)

Moves a directory.