ProGet SDK Reference

DB.Context Class

Provides a strongly typed context wrapper to allow for transactions and row enumeration.

Inheritance Hierarchy


public class DB.Context : ProGetDatabaseContext, System.IDisposable


Name Description
.Context(bool keepConnection)


Name Description
BowerPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Repository_Url)

Creates a new Bower package in the system, or updates an existing one.

BowerPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Repository_Url)

Creates a new Bower package in the system, or updates an existing one.

BowerPackages_DeletePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Deletes a Bower package.

BowerPackages_DeletePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Deletes a Bower package.

BowerPackages_GetPackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Gets the specified package in a Bower feed.

BowerPackages_GetPackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Gets the specified package in a Bower feed.

BowerPackages_GetPackages(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the packages in a Bower feed.

BowerPackages_GetPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the packages in a Bower feed.

BowerPackages_IncrementHitCount(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Increments the hit count of a Bower package.

BowerPackages_IncrementHitCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name)

Increments the hit count of a Bower package.


Gets the a complete list of ProGet configuration settings.


Gets the a complete list of ProGet configuration settings.

Configuration_GetValue(string Key_Name)

Gets the specified ProGet configuration value.

Configuration_GetValueAsync(string Key_Name)

Gets the specified ProGet configuration value.

Configuration_SetValue(string Key_Name, string Value_Text)

Sets a ProGet configuration value.

Configuration_SetValueAsync(string Key_Name, string Value_Text)

Sets a ProGet configuration value.

Connectors_CreateOrUpdateConnector(string FeedType_Name, string Connector_Name, string Connector_Url, string Filter_Csv, string User_Name, byte[] Password_Bytes, int? Timeout_Period, int? Connector_Id)

Creates a new connector in the system, or updates an existing one.

Connectors_CreateOrUpdateConnectorAsync(string FeedType_Name, string Connector_Name, string Connector_Url, string Filter_Csv, string User_Name, byte[] Password_Bytes, int? Timeout_Period, int? Connector_Id)

Creates a new connector in the system, or updates an existing one.

Connectors_DeleteConnector(int? Connector_Id)

Deletes a connector.

Connectors_DeleteConnectorAsync(int? Connector_Id)

Deletes a connector.

Connectors_GetConnector(int? Connector_Id)

Gets the specified connector.

Connectors_GetConnectorAsync(int? Connector_Id)

Gets the specified connector.

Connectors_GetConnectors(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the connectors.

Connectors_GetConnectorsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the connectors.

Connectors_SetStatus(int? Connector_Id, string Status_Code, long? Package_Count, System.DateTime? LastTest_Date)

Updates the status of a connector.

Connectors_SetStatusAsync(int? Connector_Id, string Status_Code, long? Package_Count, System.DateTime? LastTest_Date)

Updates the status of a connector.

Connectors_SetUpdated(int? Connector_Id, System.DateTime? IndexUpdated_Date)

Marks a connector as updated.

Connectors_SetUpdatedAsync(int? Connector_Id, System.DateTime? IndexUpdated_Date)

Marks a connector as updated.

Dashboards_GetDashboardInfo(int? Packages_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets data relevant to the ProGet homepage.

Dashboards_GetDashboardInfoAsync(int? Packages_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets data relevant to the ProGet homepage.

Dashboards_GetLargestPackages(int? Feed_Id)

Gets information about the largest packages in a feed.

Dashboards_GetLargestPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets information about the largest packages in a feed.

DockerBlobs_CompleteUpload(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Completes a multipart blob upload.

DockerBlobs_CompleteUploadAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Completes a multipart blob upload.

DockerBlobs_CreateOrUpdateBlob(int? Feed_Id, string Blob_Digest, long? Blob_Size)

Creates or modifies a blob.

DockerBlobs_CreateOrUpdateBlobAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Blob_Digest, long? Blob_Size)

Creates or modifies a blob.

DockerBlobs_DeleteBlob(int? Feed_Id, string Blob_Digest)

Deletes a blob.

DockerBlobs_DeleteBlobAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Blob_Digest)

Deletes a blob.

DockerBlobs_GetBlobs(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the blobs in a feed.

DockerBlobs_GetBlobsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the blobs in a feed.

DockerBlobs_GetUploads(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Gets all of the Docker blob uploads currently in progress.

DockerBlobs_GetUploadsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Gets all of the Docker blob uploads currently in progress.

DockerBlobs_RecordChunkUpload(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id, long? BytesReceived_Count)

Initiates a multipart blob upload.

DockerBlobs_RecordChunkUploadAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id, long? BytesReceived_Count)

Initiates a multipart blob upload.

DockerBlobs_StartUpload(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Initiates a multipart blob upload.

DockerBlobs_StartUploadAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Upload_Id)

Initiates a multipart blob upload.

DockerImages_CreateImage(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string Tag_Name, string Image_Digest, byte[] ManifestJson_Bytes)

Creates an image.

DockerImages_CreateImageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string Tag_Name, string Image_Digest, byte[] ManifestJson_Bytes)

Creates an image.

DockerImages_DeleteImage(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string Image_Digest)

Deletes an image.

DockerImages_DeleteImageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string Image_Digest)

Deletes an image.

DockerImages_GetImage(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string TagOrDigest_Name)

Gets the Docker image with the specified tag or digest.

DockerImages_GetImageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string TagOrDigest_Name)

Gets the Docker image with the specified tag or digest.

DockerImages_GetImages(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name)

Gets the Docker images that match the specified criteria.

DockerImages_GetImagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name)

Gets the Docker images that match the specified criteria.

DockerImages_GetRepositories(int? Feed_Id, string SearchTerm_Text)

Gets the Docker repositories that match the specified criteria.

DockerImages_GetRepositoriesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string SearchTerm_Text)

Gets the Docker repositories that match the specified criteria.

DockerImages_GetTags(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name)

Gets the Docker image tags for the specified repository.

DockerImages_GetTagsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name)

Gets the Docker image tags for the specified repository.

DockerImages_UpdateDescription(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string ShortDescription_Text, string FullDescription_Text)

Updates the short or full description of a Docker repository.

DockerImages_UpdateDescriptionAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Repository_Name, string ShortDescription_Text, string FullDescription_Text)

Updates the short or full description of a Docker repository.

EventOccurrences_GetOccurrence(int? EventOccurrence_Id)

Gets details about a specific event occurrence.

EventOccurrences_GetOccurrenceAsync(int? EventOccurrence_Id)

Gets details about a specific event occurrence.

EventOccurrences_GetOccurrences(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all event occurrences, optionally filtered by feed.

EventOccurrences_GetOccurrencesAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all event occurrences, optionally filtered by feed.


Gets all of the users which have initiated events.


Gets all of the users which have initiated events.

Events_RaiseEvent(string Event_Code, int? Feed_Id, string Detail1_Name, string Detail1_Value, string Detail2_Name, string Detail2_Value)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

Events_RaiseEventAsync(string Event_Code, int? Feed_Id, string Detail1_Name, string Detail1_Value, string Detail2_Name, string Detail2_Value)

Stored procedure for internal use only.


Gets all of the event types.


Gets all of the event types.

Executions_AddLogMessage(int? Execution_Id, int? LogMessage_Level, byte[] LogMessage_Text)

Writes a message to an execution log.

Executions_AddLogMessageAsync(int? Execution_Id, int? LogMessage_Level, byte[] LogMessage_Text)

Writes a message to an execution log.

Executions_DeleteExecution(int? Execution_Id)

Permanently deletes all data for the specified execution.

Executions_DeleteExecutionAsync(int? Execution_Id)

Permanently deletes all data for the specified execution.

Executions_EndExecution(int? Execution_Id)

Completes an execution.

Executions_EndExecutionAsync(int? Execution_Id)

Completes an execution.


Marks all currently running executions as failed.


Marks all currently running executions as failed.

Executions_GetExecution(int? Execution_Id)

Gets information about an execution as well as all of the log entries for it.

Executions_GetExecutionAsync(int? Execution_Id)

Gets information about an execution as well as all of the log entries for it.

Executions_GetFeedSyncExecutions(int? Feed_Id, int? Max_Results)

Gets some or all of the replication executions for a feed.

Executions_GetFeedSyncExecutionsAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Max_Results)

Gets some or all of the replication executions for a feed.

Executions_StartFeedSyncExecution(int? Feed_Id, string SyncTarget_Url, int? Execution_Id)

Starts a new feed replication execution.

Executions_StartFeedSyncExecutionAsync(int? Feed_Id, string SyncTarget_Url, int? Execution_Id)

Starts a new feed replication execution.

FeedAdapters_CreateOrUpdateFeedAdapter(int? Feed_Id, int? FeedAdapter_Sequence, string FeedAdapter_Name, string FeedAdapterType_Code, string FeedAdapter_Configuration)

Creates a new feed adapter or updates an existing one.

FeedAdapters_CreateOrUpdateFeedAdapterAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? FeedAdapter_Sequence, string FeedAdapter_Name, string FeedAdapterType_Code, string FeedAdapter_Configuration)

Creates a new feed adapter or updates an existing one.

FeedAdapters_DeleteFeedAdapter(int? Feed_Id, int? FeedAdapter_Sequence)

Deletes a feed adapter.

FeedAdapters_DeleteFeedAdapterAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? FeedAdapter_Sequence)

Deletes a feed adapter.

FeedAdapters_GetFeedAdapters(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of adapters associated with the specified feed

FeedAdapters_GetFeedAdaptersAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of adapters associated with the specified feed

FeedPackageFilters_CreateOrUpdatePackageFilter(int? Feed_Id, string PackageFilter_Name, string PackageFilter_Configuration, int? Sequence_Number)

Creates a new feed package filter or updates an existing one.

FeedPackageFilters_CreateOrUpdatePackageFilterAsync(int? Feed_Id, string PackageFilter_Name, string PackageFilter_Configuration, int? Sequence_Number)

Creates a new feed package filter or updates an existing one.

FeedPackageFilters_DeletePackageFilter(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number)

Deletes a feed package filter.

FeedPackageFilters_DeletePackageFilterAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number)

Deletes a feed package filter.

FeedPackageFilters_GetPackageFilters(int? Feed_Id)

Returns all of the package filters for a feed.

FeedPackageFilters_GetPackageFiltersAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Returns all of the package filters for a feed.

FeedRetentionRules_CreateOrUpdateRule(int? Feed_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? DeletePrereleaseVersions_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? DeleteCached_Indicator, int? KeepVersions_Count, int? KeepUsedWithin_Days, string DeletePackageIds_Csv, string KeepPackageIds_Csv, long? SizeTrigger_KBytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SizeExclusive_Indicator, int? Sequence_Number)

Creates a new feed retention rule or updates an existing one.

FeedRetentionRules_CreateOrUpdateRuleAsync(int? Feed_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? DeletePrereleaseVersions_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? DeleteCached_Indicator, int? KeepVersions_Count, int? KeepUsedWithin_Days, string DeletePackageIds_Csv, string KeepPackageIds_Csv, long? SizeTrigger_KBytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SizeExclusive_Indicator, int? Sequence_Number)

Creates a new feed retention rule or updates an existing one.

FeedRetentionRules_DeleteRule(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number)

Deletes a feed retention rule.

FeedRetentionRules_DeleteRuleAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number)

Deletes a feed retention rule.

FeedRetentionRules_GetRules(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the retention rules for a feed.

FeedRetentionRules_GetRulesAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the retention rules for a feed.

FeedRetentionRules_ResequenceRule(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number, int? New_Sequence_Number)

Resequences a feed retention rule.

FeedRetentionRules_ResequenceRuleAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Sequence_Number, int? New_Sequence_Number)

Resequences a feed retention rule.

Feeds_AddFeedConnector(int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id)

Associates a connector with a feed.

Feeds_AddFeedConnectorAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id)

Associates a connector with a feed.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateBowerFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator)

Creates a new Bower feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateBowerFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator)

Creates a new Bower feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateDockerFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator)

Creates a new Docker feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateDockerFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator)

Creates a new Docker feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateMavenFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator)

Creates a new Maven feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateMavenFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator)

Creates a new Maven feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateNpmFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new npm feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateNpmFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new npm feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateNuGetFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string FeedPathOverride_Text, string APIKey_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SymbolServerEnabled_Indicator, string PackageStoreConfiguration_Xml, string FeedType_Name, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? StripSymbolFiles_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new NuGet feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateNuGetFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string FeedPathOverride_Text, string APIKey_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SymbolServerEnabled_Indicator, string PackageStoreConfiguration_Xml, string FeedType_Name, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? StripSymbolFiles_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new NuGet feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateProGetFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new Universal feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_CreateOrUpdateProGetFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string DropPath_Text)

Creates a new Universal feed or updates an existing one.

Feeds_DeleteFeed(int? Feed_Id)

Deletes the specified feed.

Feeds_DeleteFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Deletes the specified feed.

Feeds_DeleteFeedConnector(int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id)

Dissociates a connector with a feed.

Feeds_DeleteFeedConnectorAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id)

Dissociates a connector with a feed.

Feeds_DeleteSyncSettings(int? Feed_Id)

Deletes any sync settings for a feed.

Feeds_DeleteSyncSettingsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Deletes any sync settings for a feed.

Feeds_GetFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a feed by either name or ID.

Feeds_GetFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a feed by either name or ID.

Feeds_GetFeedConnectors(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the connectors for a feed.

Feeds_GetFeedConnectorsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the connectors for a feed.

Feeds_GetFeeds(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets all of the feeds.

Feeds_GetFeedsAsync(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets all of the feeds.

Feeds_GetLicenseUrls(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the license urls for a feed

Feeds_GetLicenseUrlsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the license urls for a feed

Feeds_GetMavenFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a Maven feed using either an ID or a name.

Feeds_GetMavenFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a Maven feed using either an ID or a name.

Feeds_GetNpmFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of an npm feed using either an ID or a name.

Feeds_GetNpmFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of an npm feed using either an ID or a name.

Feeds_GetNuGetFeed(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a NuGet feed using either an ID or a name.

Feeds_GetNuGetFeedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name)

Gets the details of a NuGet feed using either an ID or a name.


Gets all of the sync feeds.


Gets all of the sync feeds.

Feeds_GetSyncSettings(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the settings for a sync feed.

Feeds_GetSyncSettingsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets the settings for a sync feed.

Feeds_SetFeedProperty(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string FeedType_Name, string DropPath_Text, string FeedPathOverride_Text, string PackageStoreConfiguration_Xml, byte[] SyncToken_Bytes, string SyncTarget_Url)

Sets one or more properties on a feed of any type.

Feeds_SetFeedPropertyAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Feed_Name, string Feed_Description, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cache_Connectors_Indicator, string FeedType_Name, string DropPath_Text, string FeedPathOverride_Text, string PackageStoreConfiguration_Xml, byte[] SyncToken_Bytes, string SyncTarget_Url)

Sets one or more properties on a feed of any type.

Feeds_SetLastSyncDate(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? LastSync_Date)

Sets the last sync date for a feed.

Feeds_SetLastSyncDateAsync(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? LastSync_Date)

Sets the last sync date for a feed.

Feeds_SetLicenseUrls(int? Feed_Id, string LicenseUrls_Xml)

Sets the license urls for a particlar feed.

Feeds_SetLicenseUrlsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string LicenseUrls_Xml)

Sets the license urls for a particlar feed.

Feeds_SetNuGetFeedProperty(int? Feed_Id, string APIKey_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SymbolServerEnabled_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? StripSymbolFiles_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Legacy_Indicator)

Sets one or more properties on a feed of any type.

Feeds_SetNuGetFeedPropertyAsync(int? Feed_Id, string APIKey_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SymbolServerEnabled_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? StripSymbolFiles_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Legacy_Indicator)

Sets one or more properties on a feed of any type.

Feeds_UpdateSyncSettings(int? Feed_Id, string Sync_Url, string RemoteFeed_Name, byte[] RemoteFeed_APIKey_Bytes, int? Sync_Frequency_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator)

Updates sync settings for a feed.

Feeds_UpdateSyncSettingsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Sync_Url, string RemoteFeed_Name, byte[] RemoteFeed_APIKey_Bytes, int? Sync_Frequency_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator)

Updates sync settings for a feed.

IndexingServers_DeleteServer(string Server_Name)

Deletes an indexing server.

IndexingServers_DeleteServerAsync(string Server_Name)

Deletes an indexing server.


Gets the indexing servers registered with ProGet.


Gets the indexing servers registered with ProGet.

IndexingServers_SetUpdated(string Server_Name, string IPAddress_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Primary_Indicator)

Sets the last updated date for an indexing server.

IndexingServers_SetUpdatedAsync(string Server_Name, string IPAddress_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Primary_Indicator)

Sets the last updated date for an indexing server.

LogMessages_AddMessage(string Message_Text, string Category_Name, int? Message_Level, byte[] Details_Bytes)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

LogMessages_AddMessageAsync(string Message_Text, string Category_Name, int? Message_Level, byte[] Details_Bytes)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

LogMessages_DeleteMessages(int? LogMessage_Id, string Category_Name)

Deletes one or all messages from the error log.

LogMessages_DeleteMessagesAsync(int? LogMessage_Id, string Category_Name)

Deletes one or all messages from the error log.


Gets all of the distinct category names in the log messages table.


Gets all of the distinct category names in the log messages table.

LogMessages_GetMessage(int? LogMessage_Id)

Gets a specified message from the error log.

LogMessages_GetMessageAsync(int? LogMessage_Id)

Gets a specified message from the error log.

LogMessages_GetMessages(int? Row_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeReadMessages_Indicator, string Category_Name, int? Message_Level)

Gets the messages from the error log that match the specified criteria.

LogMessages_GetMessagesAsync(int? Row_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeReadMessages_Indicator, string Category_Name, int? Message_Level)

Gets the messages from the error log that match the specified criteria.

LogMessages_SetReadIndicator(int? LogMessage_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Read_Indicator)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

LogMessages_SetReadIndicatorAsync(int? LogMessage_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Read_Indicator)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

MavenArtifacts_CreateOrUpdateArtifact(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type, byte[] File_SHA1_Bytes, byte[] File_MD5_Bytes, long? File_Size, System.DateTime? Updated_Date, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, string Name_Text, byte[] Description_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Creates a new Maven artifact or updates an existing one.

MavenArtifacts_CreateOrUpdateArtifactAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type, byte[] File_SHA1_Bytes, byte[] File_MD5_Bytes, long? File_Size, System.DateTime? Updated_Date, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, string Name_Text, byte[] Description_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Creates a new Maven artifact or updates an existing one.

MavenArtifacts_DeleteArtifact(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type, string LatestVersion_Text)

Deletes a Maven artifact file.

MavenArtifacts_DeleteArtifactAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type, string LatestVersion_Text)

Deletes a Maven artifact file.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifactFiles(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type)

Gets the files associated with a Maven artifact.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifactFilesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type)

Gets the files associated with a Maven artifact.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifacts(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text)

Gets the Maven artifacts in a feed.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifactsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text)

Gets the Maven artifacts in a feed.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifactVersions(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text)

Gets all of the versions of a Maven artifact.

MavenArtifacts_GetArtifactVersionsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text)

Gets all of the versions of a Maven artifact.

MavenArtifacts_IncrementDownloadCount(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type)

Increments the download count for a Maven artifact file.

MavenArtifacts_IncrementDownloadCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string Version_Text, string File_Type)

Increments the download count for a Maven artifact file.

MavenArtifacts_SetReleaseVersion(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string ReleaseVersion_Text)

Updates the release version of the specified Maven artifact.

MavenArtifacts_SetReleaseVersionAsync(int? Feed_Id, string GroupId_Text, string ArtifactId_Text, string ReleaseVersion_Text)

Updates the release version of the specified Maven artifact.

NpmConnectors_CreateOrUpdatePackage(int? Connector_Id, string Package_Name, string Package_Version, System.DateTime? Modified_Date, byte[] PackageJson_Bytes)

Gets all npm connectors in the system.

NpmConnectors_CreateOrUpdatePackageAsync(int? Connector_Id, string Package_Name, string Package_Version, System.DateTime? Modified_Date, byte[] PackageJson_Bytes)

Gets all npm connectors in the system.

NpmConnectors_DeleteIndex(int? Connector_Id)

Deletes the index for an npm connector.

NpmConnectors_DeleteIndexAsync(int? Connector_Id)

Deletes the index for an npm connector.

NpmConnectors_GetPackages(int? Connector_Id, string IncludeName_Csv, string ExcludeName_Csv, System.DateTime? ModifiedAfter_Date, int? MaxResults_Count)

Gets the npm connector packages which match the specified criteria.

NpmConnectors_GetPackagesAsync(int? Connector_Id, string IncludeName_Csv, string ExcludeName_Csv, System.DateTime? ModifiedAfter_Date, int? MaxResults_Count)

Gets the npm connector packages which match the specified criteria.

NpmFeeds_GetAllPackageVersions(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all versions of all of the packages in an npm feed.

NpmFeeds_GetAllPackageVersionsAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all versions of all of the packages in an npm feed.

NpmFeeds_GetConnectorPackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Package_Version)

Gets a package from a feed's connector with the specified name and version.

NpmFeeds_GetConnectorPackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Package_Version)

Gets a package from a feed's connector with the specified name and version.

NpmFeeds_GetLatestPackageVersions(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the latest versions of packages in a feed.

NpmFeeds_GetLatestPackageVersionsAsync(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the latest versions of packages in a feed.

NpmFeeds_SetTagVersion(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Tag_Name, string Tag_Version)

Sets the version which a package tag points to.

NpmFeeds_SetTagVersionAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Tag_Name, string Tag_Version)

Sets the version which a package tag points to.

NpmPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text, byte[] PackageJson_Bytes, System.DateTime? Published_Date, string Tag_Name, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, long? Package_Size)

Creates a new npm package or updates an existing one.

NpmPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text, byte[] PackageJson_Bytes, System.DateTime? Published_Date, string Tag_Name, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, long? Package_Size)

Creates a new npm package or updates an existing one.

NpmPackages_DeletePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text)

Deletes a package in an npm feed.

NpmPackages_DeletePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text)

Deletes a package in an npm feed.

NpmPackages_GetPackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name)

Gets a package and its versions and tags.

NpmPackages_GetPackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name)

Gets a package and its versions and tags.

NpmPackages_IncrementDownloadCount(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count for an npm package.

NpmPackages_IncrementDownloadCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Name, string Scope_Name, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count for an npm package.

NuGetPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, string TargetFrameworks_Text, System.DateTime? Published_Date, long? Package_Size, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, byte[] NuspecFile_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Symbols_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Source_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, string SymbolFiles_Xml, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Listed_Indicator, int? Download_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? PackageHashRequired_Indicator)

Creates a new package or updates an existing one.

NuGetPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, string TargetFrameworks_Text, System.DateTime? Published_Date, long? Package_Size, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, byte[] NuspecFile_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Symbols_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Source_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, string SymbolFiles_Xml, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Listed_Indicator, int? Download_Count, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? PackageHashRequired_Indicator)

Creates a new package or updates an existing one.

NuGetPackages_DeletePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Deletes a package from a feed.

NuGetPackages_DeletePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Deletes a package from a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetFeedSyncPackages(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the packages to be considered for feed sync operations.

NuGetPackages_GetFeedSyncPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the packages to be considered for feed sync operations.

NuGetPackages_GetLatest(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the latest packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetLatestAsync(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the latest packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetLatestStable(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the latest stable packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetLatestStableAsync(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the latest stable packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetPackage(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Gets information about a package in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetPackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Gets information about a package in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetPackageCount(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, int? Package_Count)

Gets the number of packages in the system that meet the specified criteria.

NuGetPackages_GetPackageCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, int? Package_Count)

Gets the number of packages in the system that meet the specified criteria.

NuGetPackages_GetPackages(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_GetPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string PackageIds_Psv)

Gets all of the packages in a feed.

NuGetPackages_IncrementDownloadCount(string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count of a local or cached remote package.

NuGetPackages_IncrementDownloadCountAsync(string Package_Id, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count of a local or cached remote package.

NuGetPackages_PullCached(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Pulled_Indicator)

Changes a cached package to a local package in a feed if it was found.

NuGetPackages_PullCachedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Pulled_Indicator)

Changes a cached package to a local package in a feed if it was found.

NuGetPackages_SetListed(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Listed_Indicator)

Lists or unlists a NuGet package.

NuGetPackages_SetListedAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Listed_Indicator)

Lists or unlists a NuGet package.

NuGetPackageSymbols_GetSymbols(int? Feed_Id, byte[] Symbol_Id, string SymbolFileName_Text, int? Symbol_Age)

Gets the best symbol matches.

NuGetPackageSymbols_GetSymbolsAsync(int? Feed_Id, byte[] Symbol_Id, string SymbolFileName_Text, int? Symbol_Age)

Gets the best symbol matches.

PackageDownloads_AddDownload(string Feed_Name, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, string User_Name, string IP_Address, string UserAgent_Name)
PackageDownloads_AddDownloadAsync(string Feed_Name, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, string User_Name, string IP_Address, string UserAgent_Name)
PackageDownloads_GetDownloads(string Feed_Name, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, int? Downloads_Count)
PackageDownloads_GetDownloadsAsync(string Feed_Name, string Package_Id, string Version_Text, int? Downloads_Count)
Packages_GetDeletedPackages(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets a list of all packages that have been deleted since the specified date.

Packages_GetDeletedPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets a list of all packages that have been deleted since the specified date.

Packages_GetFeedSyncPackages(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the feed sync packages.

Packages_GetFeedSyncPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? Since_Date)

Gets the feed sync packages.

Packages_GetPackages(int? Packages_Count, int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? PublishedBefore_Date)

Gets a list of combined packages filtering by the specified criteria.

Packages_GetPackagesAsync(int? Packages_Count, int? Feed_Id, System.DateTime? PublishedBefore_Date)

Gets a list of combined packages filtering by the specified criteria.

Packages_RecordPackageDelete(int? Feed_Id, byte[] Group_Name, byte[] Package_Name, byte[] Version_Text, byte[] File_Type, System.DateTime? DeletedOn_Date)

Records a delete record for the specified package, or removes the delete record if null (Nothing in Visual Basic) is specified as the deleted date.

Packages_RecordPackageDeleteAsync(int? Feed_Id, byte[] Group_Name, byte[] Package_Name, byte[] Version_Text, byte[] File_Type, System.DateTime? DeletedOn_Date)

Records a delete record for the specified package, or removes the delete record if null (Nothing in Visual Basic) is specified as the deleted date.

ProGetPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text, byte[] PackageMetadata_Bytes, System.DateTime? Published_Date, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, long? Package_Size, string Title_Text, string Description_Text, string IconUrl_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Creates a new ProGet package or updates an existing one.

ProGetPackages_CreateOrUpdatePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text, byte[] PackageMetadata_Bytes, System.DateTime? Published_Date, byte[] PackageHash_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Cached_Indicator, long? Package_Size, string Title_Text, string Description_Text, string IconUrl_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Creates a new ProGet package or updates an existing one.

ProGetPackages_DeletePackage(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Deletes a ProGet package.

ProGetPackages_DeletePackageAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text, string LatestVersion_Text)

Deletes a ProGet package.

ProGetPackages_GetPackageCount(int? Feed_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeVersions_Indicator, int? Package_Count)

Gets the number of packages in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPackageCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeVersions_Indicator, int? Package_Count)

Gets the number of packages in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPackages(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name)

Gets the packages in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name)

Gets the packages in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPackageVersions(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text)

Gets the package versions in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPackageVersionsAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text)

Gets the package versions in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_GetPopularPackages(int? Feed_Id, int? Max_Count)

Gets the packages in a ProGet feed that have been downloaded the most.

ProGetPackages_GetPopularPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, int? Max_Count)

Gets the packages in a ProGet feed that have been downloaded the most.

ProGetPackages_IncrementDownloadCount(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count for a ProGet package.

ProGetPackages_IncrementDownloadCountAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Group_Name, string Package_Name, string Version_Text)

Increments the download count for a ProGet package.

ProGetPackages_SearchPackages(int? Feed_Id, string Search_Term)

Searhes the packages in a ProGet feed.

ProGetPackages_SearchPackagesAsync(int? Feed_Id, string Search_Term)

Searhes the packages in a ProGet feed.

ScheduledTasks_CreateScheduledTask(string ScheduledTaskType_Code, int? Frequency_Hours, int? StartTimeOfDay_Minutes, int? EndTimeOfDay_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id, int? ScheduledTask_Id)

Creates a new scheduled task.

ScheduledTasks_CreateScheduledTaskAsync(string ScheduledTaskType_Code, int? Frequency_Hours, int? StartTimeOfDay_Minutes, int? EndTimeOfDay_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, int? Feed_Id, int? Connector_Id, int? ScheduledTask_Id)

Creates a new scheduled task.

ScheduledTasks_GetExecutions(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? Max_Results)

Gets some or all of the executions of a scheduled task.

ScheduledTasks_GetExecutionsAsync(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? Max_Results)

Gets some or all of the executions of a scheduled task.

ScheduledTasks_GetScheduledTasks(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the scheduled tasks, optionally filtered by feed.

ScheduledTasks_GetScheduledTasksAsync(int? Feed_Id)

Gets all of the scheduled tasks, optionally filtered by feed.

ScheduledTasks_PurgeExecutions(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? ScheduledTaskExecution_Id, int? Feed_Id)
ScheduledTasks_PurgeExecutionsAsync(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? ScheduledTaskExecution_Id, int? Feed_Id)
ScheduledTasks_StartExecution(int? ScheduledTask_Id, string InitiatedBy_User, int? Execution_Id)

Starts a new scheduled task execution.

ScheduledTasks_StartExecutionAsync(int? ScheduledTask_Id, string InitiatedBy_User, int? Execution_Id)

Starts a new scheduled task execution.

ScheduledTasks_UpdateScheduledTask(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? Frequency_Hours, int? StartTimeOfDay_Minutes, int? EndTimeOfDay_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? RunImmediately_Indicator)

Updates the configuration of a scheduled task.

ScheduledTasks_UpdateScheduledTaskAsync(int? ScheduledTask_Id, int? Frequency_Hours, int? StartTimeOfDay_Minutes, int? EndTimeOfDay_Minutes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? RunImmediately_Indicator)

Updates the configuration of a scheduled task.

Security_AddPrivilege(int? Privilege_Id, int? UserDirectory_Id, string Principal_Name, string PrincipalType_Code, int? Role_Id, int? Feed_Id, string PrivilegeType_Code)

Grants or denies the specified principal the ability to perform a certain role.

Security_AddPrivilegeAsync(int? Privilege_Id, int? UserDirectory_Id, string Principal_Name, string PrincipalType_Code, int? Role_Id, int? Feed_Id, string PrivilegeType_Code)

Grants or denies the specified principal the ability to perform a certain role.

Security_CreateOrUpdateRole(int? Role_Id, string Role_Name, string Role_Description, string Tasks_Csv)

Creates or updates a role.

Security_CreateOrUpdateRoleAsync(int? Role_Id, string Role_Name, string Role_Description, string Tasks_Csv)

Creates or updates a role.

Security_DeleteRole(int? Role_Id)

Deletes the specified role.

Security_DeleteRoleAsync(int? Role_Id)

Deletes the specified role.

Security_GetPrivileges(int? UserDirectory_Id, string PrincipalType_Code)

Gets a list of privileges assigned in the system.

Security_GetPrivilegesAsync(int? UserDirectory_Id, string PrincipalType_Code)

Gets a list of privileges assigned in the system.

Security_GetRole(int? Role_Id)

Gets the specified role in the database, along with all the tasks that comprise the role

Security_GetRoleAsync(int? Role_Id)

Gets the specified role in the database, along with all the tasks that comprise the role


Gets all the roles in the system, along with all the tasks comprising each role


Gets all the roles in the system, along with all the tasks comprising each role


Gets all of the tasks in the system.


Gets all of the tasks in the system.

Security_GetUserPrivileges(int? UserDirectory_Id, string User_Name, string GroupNames_Csv)

Gets the list of privileges specifically assigned to a user or any specified groups.

Security_GetUserPrivilegesAsync(int? UserDirectory_Id, string User_Name, string GroupNames_Csv)

Gets the list of privileges specifically assigned to a user or any specified groups.

Security_RemovePrivilege(int? Privilege_Id)

Deletes a privilege.

Security_RemovePrivilegeAsync(int? Privilege_Id)

Deletes a privilege.

UserDirectories_CreateOrUpdateDirectory(string UserDirectory_Name, string UserDirectory_Configuration, int? UserDirectory_Id)

Creates a new user directory or updates an existing one.

UserDirectories_CreateOrUpdateDirectoryAsync(string UserDirectory_Name, string UserDirectory_Configuration, int? UserDirectory_Id)

Creates a new user directory or updates an existing one.


Gets all of the user directories.


Gets all of the user directories.

Users_CreateGroup(string Group_Name)

Creates a new user group.

Users_CreateGroupAsync(string Group_Name)

Creates a new user group.

Users_CreateOrUpdateUser(string User_Name, string Display_Name, string Email_Address, string Groups_Xml)

Creates or modifies a user.

Users_CreateOrUpdateUserAsync(string User_Name, string Display_Name, string Email_Address, string Groups_Xml)

Creates or modifies a user.

Users_DeleteGroup(string Group_Name)

Deletes a user group from the system, but does not delete the users who belong to the group.

Users_DeleteGroupAsync(string Group_Name)

Deletes a user group from the system, but does not delete the users who belong to the group.

Users_DeleteUser(string User_Name)

Deletes a user.

Users_DeleteUserAsync(string User_Name)

Deletes a user.


Gets a list of user groups in the system


Gets a list of user groups in the system

Users_GetUser(string User_Name)

Gets the details of the specified user, and a list of all the groups the user belongs to

Users_GetUserAsync(string User_Name)

Gets the details of the specified user, and a list of all the groups the user belongs to


Gets all the users in the system, along with all the groups in the system


Gets all the users in the system, along with all the groups in the system

Users_GetUsersInGroup(string Group_Name)

Gets a list of users in the specified group

Users_GetUsersInGroupAsync(string Group_Name)

Gets a list of users in the specified group

Users_SetPassword(string User_Name, byte[] Password_Bytes, byte[] Salt_Bytes)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

Users_SetPasswordAsync(string User_Name, byte[] Password_Bytes, byte[] Salt_Bytes)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

Users_ValidateLogin(string User_Name, string Password_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Validated_Indicator)

Validates the password of a specified user

Users_ValidateLoginAsync(string User_Name, string Password_Text, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Validated_Indicator)

Validates the password of a specified user