Otter SDK Reference

IFileOperationsExecuter Interface

Indicates that an agent supports file system operations.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • Inedo.Agents.IFileOperationsExecuter


public interface IFileOperationsExecuter


Name Description

Returns the directory separator character used by the agent's platform.


Returns the new line string used by the agent's platform.


Name Description
ClearDirectoryAsync(string path)

Deletes all files and subfolders in a folder (but not the folder itself).

CombinePath(string path1, string path2)

Combines two path strings according to the path format of the agent.

CopyFileAsync(string sourcePath, string targetPath, bool overwrite)

Copies the file from sourcePath to targetPath.

CreateDirectoryAsync(string path)

Ensures that the directory with the specified path exists.

CreateZipFileAsync(string sourcePath, string targetFileName)

Creates a zip file from the specified directory.

DeleteDirectoriesAsync(string[] directoryNames)

Deletes all of the specified directories if they exist.

DeleteFilesAsync(string[] fileNames)

Deletes all of the specified files if they exist.

DirectoryExistsAsync(string path)

Returns a value indicating whether a directory exists at the specified path.

ExtractZipFileAsync(string sourceFileName, string targetPath, bool overwrite)

Extracts a zip file into the specified directory.

FileCopyBatchAsync(string sourceDirName, string[] sourceFileNames, string destDirName, string[] destFileNames, bool overwrite, bool createDirectory)

Performs a local copy on a batch of files.

FileExistsAsync(string path)

Returns a value indicating whether a file exists at the specified path.

GetAttributesAsync(string path)

Returns the attributes of the specified file.


Returns the base working directory for the agent.

GetDirectoryInfoAsync(string path)

Returns information about the directory at the specified path.

GetFileInfoAsync(string path)

Returns information about the file at the specified path.

GetFileSystemInfosAsync(string path, Inedo.IO.MaskingContext mask)

Returns files and directories which match the specified mask.

MoveDirectoryAsync(string sourceDirName, string destDirName)

Moves a directory from sourceDirName to destDirName.

MoveFileAsync(string sourceFileName, string targetFileName, bool overwrite)

Moves a file from sourceFileName to targetFileName.

OpenFileAsync(string path, System.IO.FileMode fileMode, System.IO.FileAccess fileAccess)

Opens a file on the agent.

SetAttributesAsync(string path, System.IO.FileAttributes fileAttributes)

Writes the specified metadata to the file or directory.

SetLastWriteTimeAsync(string path, System.DateTime lastModified)

Writes the specified metadata to the file or directory.