Otter SDK Reference

PathEx Class

Contains static file system path-related utility methods.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • object
    • Inedo.IO.PathEx


public class PathEx


Name Description
Combine(string path1, string path2)

Same as System.IO.Path.Combine(System.String,System.String), but attempts to preserve the directory separator character.

Combine(char separator, string path1, string path2)

Same as System.IO.Path.Combine(System.String,System.String), but specifying the directory separator character.

Combine(string[] paths)

Combines multiple path components into one string.

EnsureTrailingDirectorySeparator(string path)

Returns the specified with with an appended directory separator character if one was not already present.

GetDirectoryName(string path)

Same as System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.String), but preserves the directory separator character.

GetFileName(string path)

Same as System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.String), but preserves the directory separator character.

IsPathRooted(string path)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified path is rooted.

MakeCanonical(string path, char separator)

Returns a path that has some common issues fixed, such as extra directory separator characters or incorrect directory separator characters.

MakeCanonical(string path)

Returns a path that has some common issues fixed, such as extra directory separator characters or incorrect directory separator characters.