Otter SDK Reference

DB Class

Provides strongly typed wrapper methods for stored procedures.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • object
    • Inedo.Otter.Data.DB


public class DB


Name Description
ApiKeys_CreateOrUpdateApiKey(string ApiKey_Text, string ApiKey_Description, string ApiKey_Configuration, int? ApiKey_Id)

Creates or updates the specified API key.

ApiKeys_DeleteApiKey(int? ApiKey_Id)

Deletes the specified API key.

ApiKeys_GetAccessLog(int? ApiKeyAccessLog_Id)

Gets the details of a specific API access log.

ApiKeys_GetAccessLogs(int? ApiKey_Id, int? Log_Count)

Gets all API access logs.

ApiKeys_GetApiKey(int? ApiKey_Id)

Gets the specified API key by ID.

ApiKeys_GetApiKeyByName(string ApiKey_Text)

Gets the specified API key by the API key.


Gets all API keys in the system.

ApiKeys_LogRequest(string ApiKey_Text, System.DateTime? Request_Date, string Request_Url, string Request_Method, string Request_Ip_Address, int? Response_StatusCode, byte[] Request_Body, byte[] Response_Body)

Logs a request made with an API key.


Gets all of the Otter configuration values.

Configuration_SetValue(string Key_Name, string Value_Text)

Sets an Otter configuration value.

Credentials_CreateOrUpdateCredential(string Credential_Name, int? Environment_Id, string CredentialType_Name, string Configuration_Xml, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? AllowFunctionAccess_Indicator, int? Credential_Id)

Creates a new credential or updates an existing one.

Credentials_DeleteCredential(int? Credential_Id)

Gets the specified credential.

Credentials_GetCredential(int? Credential_Id)

Gets the specified credential.

Credentials_GetCredentialByName(string CredentialType_Name, string Credential_Name)

Gets the specified credential by its qualified name.


Gets all credentials in the system.

Environments_CreateOrUpdateEnvironment(string Environment_Name, string ServerIds_Csv, int? Parent_Environment_Id, int? Environment_Id)

Creates a new environment, or updates an existing one.

Environments_DeleteEnvironment(int? Environment_Id)

Deletes the specified environment.

Environments_GetEnvironment(int? Environment_Id)

Gets the specified environment and its servers.


Gets all the environments and their servers in the system.

Environments_GetEnvironmentsForContext(int? Server_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Execution_Id, int? Job_Id)

Gets the union of all environments that are associated with the specified criteria.


Gets all the environment server links in the system.

Executions_AddLogEntry(int? Execution_Id, int? Scope_Sequence, int? LogEntry_Level, byte[] LogEntry_Text, System.DateTime? LogEntry_Date)

Creates a log entry.

Executions_CompleteExecution(int? Execution_Id, System.DateTime? End_Date, string ExecutionStatus_Code, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? DriftDetected_Indicator)

Completes an execution.

Executions_CompleteLogScope(int? Execution_Id, int? Scope_Sequence, System.DateTime? End_Date)

Completes a log scope.

Executions_CreateLogScope(int? Execution_Id, byte[] Scope_Name, int? Parent_Scope_Sequence, System.DateTime? Start_Date, int? Scope_Sequence)

Creates a log scope.

Executions_DeleteExecution(int? Execution_Id)

Deletes the specified execution and all of its logs.

Executions_GetExecution(int? Execution_Id)

Gets the specified execution.

Executions_GetExecutionLogScopes(int? Execution_Id)

Gets all log scopes for the specified execution.

Executions_GetExecutions(int? Execution_Count, string ExecutionRunState_Code, string ExecutionStatus_Code, string ExecutionMode_Code)

Gets all executions in the system.

Executions_GetLogEntries(int? Execution_Id, int? Scope_Sequence, int? Minimum_Scope_HighestLogEntry_Level, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeDebug_Indicator)

Gets the latest log entries for a specified execution and log scope.

Executions_GetPartialExecutionLog(int? Execution_Id, int? Minimum_LogEntry_Sequence, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeDebug_Indicator)

Gets the latest log entries for a specified execution.


Fault running jobs, complete any incomplete executions, and complete log scopes with no end date.

Executions_StartExecution(System.DateTime? Start_Date, string ExecutionMode_Code, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Simulation_Indicator, int? Job_Id, int? Server_Id, string ManualExecutionType_Name, string ManualExecution_Configuration, int? Execution_Id)

Starts an execution.

Executions_UpdateJobState(int? Job_Id, string JobState_Code, System.DateTime? LastRun_Date)

Updates the state of the specified job.

Hosts_CreateOrUpdateHost(string Host_Name, string Host_Configuration, int? Host_Id)

Creates a new server host, or updates an existing one.

Hosts_DeleteHost(int? Host_Id)

Deletes the specified host.

Hosts_GetHost(int? Host_Id)

Gets the specified server hosts in the system.


Gets all the server hosts in the system.


Gets all of the infrastructure; this includes servers, environments, and roles.

Jobs_CreateJob(string JobType_Code, string Plan_Name, int? Raft_Id, int? Schedule_Id, string Job_Name, string JobTarget_Code, System.DateTime? Start_Date, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Simulation_Indicator, string ServerIds_Csv, string ServerRoleIds_Csv, string EnvironmentIds_Csv, int? TriggeredByTemplate_Id, int? Job_Id)

Creates a new job.

Jobs_DeleteJob(int? Job_Id)

Deletes the specified job.

Jobs_GetJob(int? Job_Id)

Gets the specified job.

Jobs_GetJobHistory(int? Execution_Count, int? Server_Id, string ExecutionStatus_Code)

Gets the specified jobs in the system.

Jobs_GetJobs(string JobType_Code, string JobState_Code)

Gets the specified jobs in the system.

Jobs_GetServersForExecution(int? Job_Id)

Gets the servers that should execute for a Job, based on the job's associated servers, roles, and environments.

Jobs_UpdateRecurringJob(int? Job_Id, string Plan_Name, int? Raft_Id, int? Schedule_Id, string Job_Name, System.DateTime? LastRun_Date, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? SetDisabled_Indicator)

Updates the specified recurring job.

JobTemplates_CreateOrUpdateJobTemplate(string JobTemplate_Name, string JobTemplate_Configuration, int? JobTemplate_Id)

Creates a new job template or updates an existing template configuration.

JobTemplates_DeleteJobTemplate(int? JobTemplate_Id)

Deletes a job template.

JobTemplates_GetJobTemplates(int? JobTemplate_Id, string JobTemplate_Name)

Gets one or more job templates.

LogMessages_AddMessage(string Message_Text, int? Message_Level, string Category_Name, byte[] Details_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? ShowNotification_Indicator, int? Job_Id, int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

LogMessages_DeleteMessages(int? LogMessage_Id)

Deletes one or all message from the error log.


Gets all of the distinct category names in the log messages table.

LogMessages_GetMessage(int? LogMessage_Id)

Gets a specified message from the error log.

LogMessages_GetMessages(int? Row_Count, int? Message_Level, string Category_Name, int? Job_Id, int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id)

Gets the messages from the error log that match the specified criteria.

Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaft(string Raft_Name, int? Environment_Id, string Raft_Configuration, int? Raft_Id)

Creates a new server Raft, or updates an existing one.

Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaftItem(int? Raft_Id, string RaftItemType_Code, string RaftItem_Name, System.DateTime? Modified_Date, byte[] Content_Bytes)

Creates or updates an item in a database raft.

Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaftVariable(int? Raft_Id, string Variable_Name, string ValueType_Code, string Variable_Value)

Creates or updates an item in a database raft.

Rafts_DeleteRaft(int? Raft_Id)

Deletes the specified Raft.

Rafts_GetOrDeleteLegacyContent(int? Raft_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Delete_Indicator, byte[] Content_Bytes)

Gets or deletes the legacy raft content for a database raft.

Rafts_GetRaft(int? Raft_Id)

Gets the specified raft in the system.

Rafts_GetRaftItem(int? Raft_Id, string RaftItemType_Code, string RaftItem_Name)

Gets the specified item in a database raft.

Rafts_GetRaftItems(int? Raft_Id, string RaftItemType_Code)

Gets the specified items in a database raft.


Gets all the Rafts in the system.

Rafts_GetRaftVariables(int? Raft_Id)

Gets the variables in a database raft.

Schedules_CreateOrUpdateSchedule(string Schedule_Name, string Schedule_Configuration, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, int? Schedule_Id)

Creates a new schedule, or updates an existing one.

Schedules_DeleteSchedule(int? Schedule_Id)

Deletes the specified schedule and all jobs associated with it.

Schedules_GetSchedule(int? Schedule_Id)

Gets the specified schedule.

Schedules_GetSchedules(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets all schedules in the system.

Security_AddPrivilege(int? Privilege_Id, int? UserDirectory_Id, string Principal_Name, string PrincipalType_Code, int? Role_Id, int? Environment_Id, string PrivilegeType_Code)

Grants or denies the specified principal the ability to perform a certain role

Security_CreateOrUpdateRole(int? Role_Id, string Role_Name, string Role_Description, string Tasks_Csv)

Creates a new role defined by the specified tasks

Security_DeleteRole(int? Role_Id)

Deletes the specified role from the system

Security_GetOrAddAnonymousRole(string Tasks_Csv, int? Role_Id)

Gets an anonymous role containing the specified tasks, creating one if necessary.

Security_GetPrivileges(int? UserDirectory_Id, string PrincipalType_Code)

Gets a list of privileges assigned in the system

Security_GetRole(int? Role_Id)

Gets the specified role, along with all the tasks that comprise the role.

Security_GetRoles(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeAnonymous_Indicator)

Gets all the roles in the system, along with all the tasks comprising each role.


Gets all of the tasks in the system.

Security_GetUserPrivileges(int? UserDirectory_Id, string User_Name, string GroupNames_Csv)

Gets the list of privileges specifically assigned to a user or any specified groups

Security_RemovePrivilege(int? Privilege_Id)

Deletes a privilege from the system.

ServerConfigurations_GetConfiguration(int? Server_Id, string ServerConfigurationType_Name, string ServerConfigurationKey_Name)

Gets server configuration for the specified server configuration type and name.

ServerRoles_CreateOrUpdateServerRole(string ServerRole_Name, int? Raft_Id, string ServerIds_Csv, int? ServerRole_Id)

Creates or updates a server role.

ServerRoles_DeleteServerRole(int? ServerRole_Id)

Deletes the specified server and its configurations.

ServerRoles_GetServerRole(int? ServerRole_Id)

Gets the specified server role.


Gets all the servers roles in the system.

ServerRoles_GetServerRolesEnvironments(int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id)

Gets all the server role and environment relations that match the specified criteria.

ServerRoles_SearchServerRoles(int? Environment_Id, string ServerConfiguration_Status_Code)

Searches servers roles in the system.

Servers_CreateOrUpdateConfiguration(int? Server_Id, string ServerConfigurationType_Name, string ServerConfigurationKey_Name, int? CollectedOn_Execution_Id, int? CollectedFor_ServerRole_Id, string ServerConfiguration_Status_Code, string ServerConfiguration_Configuration)

Creates a new server configuration, or updates an existing one.

Servers_CreateOrUpdateServer(string Server_Name, string RoutineExecutionType_Code, int? Host_Id, string ServerRoleIds_Csv, string EnvironmentIds_Csv, string Agent_Configuration, int? Raft_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Active_Indicator, int? Server_Id)

Creates a new server, or updates an existing one. If the Roles or Environments are not passed in as a parameter, then they will not be changed; however, passing in an empty string will remove the server from the corresponding groups.

Servers_DeleteServer(int? Server_Id)

Deletes the specified server and its configurations.

Servers_GetServer(int? Server_Id)

Gets the specified server, with its associated configurations and environments.

Servers_GetServerByName(string Server_Name)

Gets the specified server, with its associated configurations and environments.

Servers_GetServers(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeInactive_Indicator)

Gets all the servers in the system.

Servers_SearchServers(int? Has_ServerRole_Id, int? In_Environment_Id)

Gets all the servers specified by the filter, as well as their associated environments and roles.

Servers_SetConfigurationStatus(int? Server_Id, string ServerConfigurationType_Name, string ServerConfigurationKey_Name, string ServerConfiguration_Status_Code)

Updates the status of a configuration item on a server.

Servers_SetUnknownConfiguration(int? Server_Id, int? CollectedOn_Execution_Id)

Updates all configuration on a server that wasn't set on a specified execution.

Servers_UpdateServerStatus(int? Server_Id, string ServerStatus_Code)

Updates a server's agent's status.

UserDirectories_CreateOrUpdateDirectory(string UserDirectory_Name, string UserDirectory_Configuration, int? UserDirectory_Id)

Creates a new user directory or updates an existing one.


Gets all of the user directories.

Users_CreateOrUpdateGroup(string Group_Name, string Users_Xml)

Creates a new user group in the system

Users_CreateOrUpdateUser(string User_Name, string Display_Name, string Email_Address, string Groups_Xml, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? ChangePasswordOnLogin_Indicator)

Creates a new user in the system or updates an existing one.

Users_DeleteGroup(string Group_Name)

Deletes a user group from the system, but does not delete the users who belong to the group

Users_DeleteUser(string User_Name)

Deletes a user from the system


Gets a list of user groups in the system

Users_GetUser(string User_Name)

Gets the details of the specified user, and a list of all the groups the user belongs to


Gets all the users in the system, along with all group membership information.

Users_GetUsersInGroup(string Group_Name)

Gets a list of users in the specified group

Users_SearchGroups(string Group_Name, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? PerformWildcardSearch_Indicator)

Gets a specific group by name, or if a wildcard search is performed, a group whose name starts with the specified name

Users_SearchUsers(string User_Name, string Display_Name, string Email_Address, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? PerformWildcardSearch_Indicator)

Gets the specified user, or searchs for a user whose name starts with any of the specified criteria

Users_SetPassword(string User_Name, byte[] Password_Bytes, byte[] Salt_Bytes, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? ClearChangePasswordOnLogin_Indicator)

Stored procedure for internal use only.

Variables_CreateOrUpdateVariable(string Variable_Name, string ValueType_Code, byte[] Variable_Value, int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Job_Id, int? Host_Id, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? Sensitive_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? EvaluateVariables_Indicator, int? Variable_Id)

Creates a new variable, or updates an existing variable with the specified ID or matching scope.

Variables_CreateOrUpdateVariable(string Variable_Name, string ValueType_Code, byte[] Variable_Value, int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Job_Id, int? Host_Id, int? Variable_Id)
Variables_DeleteVariable(int? Variable_Id)

Deletes a variable.

Variables_GetVariable(int? Variable_Id)

Gets a variable from a specified id.

Variables_GetVariables(Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeJobVariables_Indicator)

Gets all variables.

Variables_GetVariablesAccessibleFromScope(int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Job_Id, int? Host_Id, string Variable_Name, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? ExpandRolesAndEnvironments_Indicator, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? IncludeSystemVariables_Indicator)

Gets the variables that are defined in any of the specified scopes.

Variables_GetVariablesAccessibleFromScope(int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Job_Id, int? Host_Id, string Variable_Name, Inedo.Data.YNIndicator? ExpandRolesAndEnvironments_Indicator)
Variables_GetVariablesForScope(int? Server_Id, int? Environment_Id, int? ServerRole_Id, int? Job_Id, int? Host_Id)

Gets the variables that are defined only in the specified scope.